As the situation was with the past 7 study holidays , again this time was holding the book in hand , eyes stuck to the page ,but the pages were not moving at all --- coz the mind was moving everywhere ! exams from 14th of this month---u ask whats special on tht?? These r my last exams ! well , I dunno everything infact anything abt my future but for now , these r my last study holidays, last exams, last fight with vtu, last time i'll b anxiously waiting for results, with mixed emotions !!
4 years have passed before realizing it! but had lots and lots of experiences in the meantime . exciting, disappointing, unforgettable memories some of which have made to learn very good lessons !
To b very frank I'm actually not getting very emoted this moment that my college days r coming to an end !There was the last technieks, last Acefest, last sports,last working day! . Everything passed as usual! Even on the farewell day nothing like "oo! v r having our farewell!" came into mind. well, dunno the reason for such "no expressions" but i'm sure its the case with majority of my classmates. I dont think I'll be wrong if I say its the case with "all" !
But still, sometimes when i sit alone, of course to study but when my mind will not b ready for that, I realise that for all practical purposes, I will no more sit in a classroom for a lecture,will not have a chance to bunk the class either! I'll never again go to canteen either for food! or for record completion! or for timepass ! Never again will v stand in the parking lot gossiping! no more collecting question papers, getting notes xeroxed ;) y all these ! will never again go to college! I dunno if this is a "loss" or "gain" or whatever ! But i know something is happening that'll make something else to happen !
Being very well aware that life is a constant process of learning and I'll always b a "student", I still feel like making this sentence , even if its not fact from all perspectives, its atleast true for the near futue!
These r my LAST STUDENT DAYS and they r ending VERY SHORTLY !